Formulated with high purity Olive Oil, Hada Labo HydraAng Cleansing Oil helps to gently remove dirt, oil and heavy makeup effortlessly.
It is a 1-step makeup remover that can also remove tough, waterproof mascara and eye liner.

The 2 key ingredients are:
- High Purity Olive Oil
- Super Hyaluronic Acid
The Ultra Pure Olive Oil ensures high performance cleansing, and yet is very gentle with no irritation to skin.
Super Hyaluronic Acid gives 2X more moisture than normal hyaluronic acid, where 1gram can retain 12 litres of water, giving you refreshing smoothness after cleansing. It is also water-soluble
and does not leave any greasy residue, stickiness or dryness on your face after cleansing.
Faithful to Hada Labo’s ‘PERFECT X SIMPLE’ philosophy, it does not contain Mineral Oil which
is harmful to the skin and clogs pores, unlike other Cleansing Oils in the market. 
Actual products I'd received from Hada Labo
(Left: Retinol Firming Lotion, Right: Cleansing Oil)
*** For my review on Retinol Firming Lotion: CLICK HERE! ***

FIRST Impression of the Cleansing Oil:
- Packaging: 4/5
- Pricing: 3/5
- Quality: 3.5/5
Not too bad. Managed to removed 85% of my eye makeup on 1st try. Please see my above YouTube video for the LIVE demo.
- After Wash: 4.5/5
In fact, my face feels SQUEAKY CLEAN & NOT DRY after wash! AMAZING!
Overall Impression of Hada Labo Cleansing Oil
To be honest, I'm very impressed with the sqeaky clean but not drying out my face after wash..
BUT it does not remove that effective as compared to my Biore Eye & Lip Makeup Remover.
Therefore, Hada Labo Cleansing Oil will be my 2nd alternative should I not able to get my Biore Eye & Lip Makeup Remover.
But nevertheless, do JOIN their Facebook Fan Page www.facebook.com/hadalabosg for any exciting updates from them! :D
PS: Sorry Hada Labo but I do want to be 101% honest with my reviews to my readers. All my thoughts & opinions are 100% based on my own.
Do share with me at shuhui.teo@hotmail.com*
*Spam/unnecessary stuff will not be entertained
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