SHuiYuki's Review on Instant Face Lift with SYGMALIFT

HellooOOoOoo Everybody!!!

I posted a check-in visit to Kowayo Aesthetic claiming on "Gimme back my fishball cheeks + V face pls!" and many have been either FB-ing/ IG-ing/ WA-ing me on whether was I doing:

Some intensive surgical procedure to put implants to my cheeks *HORROR* 
'SAW' my jaw to make it more define -______-"


Well, at least NOT for now. I'm quite satisfied with my current face condition (all thanks to my trusty Shuqi from Isabel Beauty Creations) but as a beauty & skincare junkie, I'm always keen to find out any latest skincare treatments that is available in the market!

Hence, I was given the greatest pleasure by Samantha from AbsolutePR (Thanks Samantha!) to try out this latest aesthetic treatment called SygmaLift before they officially launch in Singapore! WOOHOO!

Therefore, allow me to share with you all my VIRGIN AESTHETIC FACIAL TREATMENT EXPERIENCE - SYGMALIFT!!! 
Let's goOOooOo~!!!
Some disclaimer FIRST:
 I only review sponsored products/services which I have tried on myself for a period of time to see if they are effective on me before I recommend to my readers.

Which is probably why some companies totally loath me for not posting my entry on time. Please, if I have not tried the product/services and do the entry for the sake of blogging just to submit before deadline, there is no creditability at all and it will also affect the Company's reputation right?
 All my reviews are 100% based on my HONEST opinions and not from the press release from the Company. I'm pretty sure my readers are internet savy to find out the ingredients etc. I'm having a combination & sensitive skin + yellow undertone. If your skin condition are similar to mine, chances are my opinions are suitable for your consideration in purchasing the product/treatment services.

Agreed to the aforementioned? (>
♥) Then Let's GO ON!!!   

What is SygmaLift?

  • "PAIN-FREE treatment consists of Ultrasound and Cold Laser 
    • Benefits of High Intensity Focal Ultrasound treatment (in fractional mode):
    • Facial Remodelling 
    • Benefits of Cold Laser (in 635nm):
    • Bio-Stimulation
    • ENHANCING skin glow
  • Natural REGENERATION in less than 40 days
  • INCREASE COLLAGEN tissue extensibility
  • INCREASE HYDRATION levels and moisture system
  • CALMS REDNESS and Inflammation
  • STIMULATES Circulation and Lymphatic system
  • ACCELERATE Skin Repair"
-Extracted from SygmaLift Brochure

Here I am at Kowayo Asethetic clinic, behaving like a super-excited-much little girl who has just won herself a huge teddy bear (my FIRST aesthetic facial afterall *ahem ahem*) while waiting for Dr. Wong to examine and explain the SygmaLift treatment.

Here are a couple of the outlet pics!

:X Sorry for not snapping a pic on my consultation with Dr Wong 'cause apparently all of us are too engrossed with the explanation by Doc and I kept bombarding Doc with my areaSsSs of concerns (slight saggy cheeks and laugh lines around the mouth) and Dr Wong has been extremely patient with me by answering all my queries. 

OK. enough of boring texts. PICTURE TIME!!!

BEFORE SymaLift:

✘ Slight saggy cheeks 
✘ Uneven puffiness 
✘ Laugh line around the mouth (especially on the right side)


DURING SymaLift:

I nearly fell asleep by the slow beeping rhythm from the Sygma machine (nah; 'business on hand'. How could I doze off when I need to share my experience with you guys right?)

I also chatted with one of their staff and they have shared with me their experience with SygmaLift:

No numbing cream or painkillers are needed prior this treatment as the ultrasound is emitted in fractionated mode.

SygmaLift is suitable for anyone age 25-60, wanted to have a NON-INVASIVE option (eg no surgical procedures, no injectables like botox or fillers)  to prevent fine lines around the eyes, mouth and jawline.

AFTER SygmaLift

❤ Sharper  and more defined Jawline
❤ Mouth line VISIBLY REDUCED (check the last pic = face right side)

MOST importantly, I felt my cheeks have been 'pushed-upward' and my mouth automatically form a small smile when I wasn't trying to. AMAZING~! ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹


SHuiYuki's 101% honest review:

You will DEFINITELY see a VISIBLE DIFFERENCE after 1 session! 

As Dr Wong has recommended the lower face treatment which includes the jawline, cheeks and mouth; I can feel my skin has been 'push-up', giving me back the youthful fishball cheeks that I have once owned like, 8years back *HAHA*

Treatment is very comfortable and really there is NO PAIN at all (trust me, I have a low tolerance pain level ya)!

It is about 30-45min session (inclusive of a FREE consultation with Dr Wong) thus a perfect 'Beauty-Lunch' treatment for all my beautiful OLs (office ladies)!

To be honest with you guys, SygmaLift is not a 180degree-hooha dramatic change for me. Nonetheless, the most significant difference has got to my right cheek. I'm a sleep-on-my-side person and yah, bet you all now know which side I slept on the most (right duh!). 
After SygmaLift treatment, my right cheek felt lifted-up the most and they formed back my super high cheek bones on the selfies when my MI batchgirl Cherlyn celebrated our Birthdays later that day!

ไน…ใ—ใถใ‚Š Super-high cheeks!! 
Yes, heavily edited BUT you can't photoshop cheekbones my dears (or not for me. Ain't a PS expert :X)

However, the downside of a non-invasive treatment is they need a constant maintenance programme to prolong the longevity of the treatment effect.

At Kowayo Asthetic Clinic, the ala-carte SygmaLift (for jaw, cheeks mouth) costs S$680 (exclusive of GST) per treatment BUT! They are having an exclusive package deal for their customers! Do call them and check out the heavily-discounted price for their SygmaLift package *hint hint*

WHERE is KOWAYO Asethetic Clinic?

Kowayo By E Medi
1 Raffles Link #01-03B Singapore 039393



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